Hi, my name is Jenny.I am in Grade 8. In class, we are doing the 3 word challenge. The 3 word challenge is a challenge where we choose 3 words to live by. It is sort of like an New Year's Resolution, except it is only made up of 3 words, each word having a different meaning.The words I chose are effort, creativity, and planning.
I chose effort because I want to put more effort in my work, to go beyond expectations. Effort is also important, because it helps you to do your best, and go beyond what's required.
I chose creativity because I need to be more creative in my work, and explore more. Being creative will also expand my imagination in my artwork and schoolwork.
I chose planning because I want to plan ahead whenever I do something, because I find that I rarely plan; if I plan I will become more organized. Planning will also make my schedule go smoother and become more efficient, and my schedule won't be as hectic.
More great choices Jenny. I am curious to hear a bit more about your "creativity" choice - what does that look like for you? Just a reminder to introduce yourself to your audience - the world does not know who you are :)