Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Learning Log Dec. 16, 2014 Thursday

(Hannah and I are switching today because she is unable to post)

Today, we did our paragraph booklets. The section of the booklet we did today was about Descriptive and Expository Paragraphs. Descriptive Paragraphs are paragraphs that describe items, places, events, etc. To write a descriptive paragraph, you must have a lot of detail in it. Expository Paragraphs are paragraphs that explain. The paragraph is educating you about something, and the information is usually very specific.

Learning Intentions:
Writing paragraphs can help us in future essays, assignments, and reports. By learning how to write proper paragraphs, we can start to do better essays, because paragraph writing is a basic writing structure.

We can connect to this outside Humanities because we can use paragraphs literally everywhere: in essays, resumes, novels, etc.
Do an outline and a draft for the descriptive & expository paragraphs.

Try to visualize what scene you’re describing for the descriptive paragraph; visualizing will help you add more detail! You can also draw it out.
For expository paragraphs, try writing about something you are familiar with.
Here is a reminder from Ms. Lees:

Friday, December 12, 2014

December 12, 2014 Friday Learning Log

Today, we did literature circles in class. Literature circles are where we choose a quote and discuss it. We connect to this in several ways. The ways are: Text to Self, Text to World, Text to Text. Text to Self means connecting with your past experiences or other things. Text to World means connecting to the world; it's histories, inventions, etc. Text to Text means connecting to another piece of written work, like a poem or a story.

Learning Intention:

We did literature circles so that we know how to read with a purpose and look for important/meaningful things in the story. We also learn social and listening skills by sharing our quotes with others and listening to theirs.


We can connect to this outside of Humanities because this can help us when researching for a project, because we will have to read with a purpose. It can also help us understand the story better when we’re reading.


Literature Circles Review (If you didn’t hand it in).
Remember your 3 words and your sentence!

Useful Tips:

Here’s the link for the 3 words to live by:

This is the link for Daniel Pink’s “What is Your Sentence?” Video:
This is the example video:
For the sentence, think about whom you want to be remembered as.

For literature circles, we have to set 2 group and personal goals.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

My 3 words

Hi, my name is Kevin Wang, and the three words that I chose for 2015 are focus, efficiency, and neatness.
I chose focus because i need to devote all my attention on one thing at a time. For example, I shouldn't be thinking about the soccer game, and focus and absorb what the teacher is saying. I usally have a hard time maintaining my attention span on one subject.
The second word I chose is efficiecny because I haven't really been using my time as wise as I can. Partially, this may also be because I'm too tired to focus or stay focused for a long period of time
I also chose the word neatness because I wasn't very organized with my schedule and keeping on top of all my homework. Geeting organized and neat will definetely help me stay on top of my assignemnts, and dot

New Years Resolution Words

1. Strenghth. Why strenghth? I chose strength because I want to be able to get through some of the situations I've had to deal with this year. Mentally and physically. Physically as in beingore active and not being a couch potato the majority of the year.
2. Effort. I chose effort because I want to use what my teachers tell me to improve on and really try to get better at them. I want to work harder on my grades so that I'm not barely getting an A on some subjects and try and take on getting a more honourable roll.
3. Accomplish. I want to be able to accomplish everything I'm hoping to do. What's the point of having a resolution if I can't do them successfully? I want to do the things I've been holding off on for a long time.

3 words

The three words I chose are consume, risks, and health
I chose consume because I feel like l need to apprechiate the people in my life that try to help me with things more. Risks because I need to take more risks with my school work ( like projects) and with my gymnastics. For example in gymnastics i need to take risks so that i can do better. Health because it is important to be healthy and fit in your daily life so the you have confidence in your self.  

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

3 Words to Live By

Hi, my name is Jenny.I am in Grade 8. In class, we are doing the 3 word challenge. The 3 word challenge is a challenge where we choose 3 words to live by. It is sort of like an New Year's Resolution, except it is only made up of 3 words, each word having a different meaning.The words I chose are effort, creativity, and planning.
I chose effort because I want to put more effort in my work, to go beyond expectations. Effort is also important, because it helps you to do your best, and go beyond what's required.
I chose creativity because I need to be more creative in my work, and explore more. Being creative will also expand my imagination in my artwork and schoolwork.
I chose planning because I want to plan ahead whenever I do something, because I find that I rarely plan; if I plan I will become more organized. Planning will also make my schedule go smoother and become more efficient, and my schedule won't be as hectic.

December 10,Wednesday Learning Log

Wednesday, December 10 2014, 3rd period

Today we check our test from December 4th retest, each of us will check a student’s test and some of us have to check 2 tests. Then for the rest of the block Ms. Lees gave us a time to read our novel books. On Friday (December 12) we need to finish reading our novel book and our dialectical journal for our last litcircle. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Learning log December 9,2014

Today in class we worked on our paragraph booklets, descriptive paragraphs. We did this because we need to improve our paragraph writing skills. This could be helpful for our other classes when you have to write an essay. The homework for tomorrow is the left side of the descriptive paragraphs page. Remember to brainstorm, outline, and double spaced draft. You also have to comment on 2 blog posts for tonight. There is flex tomorrow at 11:15. You can look on the student blog groups for the homework to see if the have pictures of the work.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Learning blog for December 8th

Today in class, we did our literature circles. Every group discussed their own stories and got observed. We then got time to do our reflections and work on our Innovation Fair proposals.

We did this to work on our conversation skills, learn to answer questions logically.

This can be useful for discussing ideas for products maybe when we're older. It can also be used as resoning practice.

Our homework is the reflections if you didn't finish it in class and the innovation fair proposal.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Learning Blog Dec.5, 2014 Friday

 Today, in class we learned about paragraph outlines and structure. We also learned about TOWER, which is an memory trick to help us learn writing paragraphs better. TOWER stands for:
T Think, which is brainstorming ideas.
O Organize, which is sorting the ideas, like an outline.
W Write, which is writing out the paragraph.
E Edit, which is checking for mistakes in structure.
R Rewrite, which is writing out the good copy.

We also learned about the paragraph outlines, what they are and how they are constructed.
The outline linear format is:

Topic Sentence-it describes ONE MAIN idea.
Supporting Sentences, with examples. The supporting sentences can be in point form.
The main thing to remember in paragraphs is to be consistent, and to indent. Indenting will make the paragraph structurally sound.
Concluding sentences should relate back to the main idea.

Learning Intention: We can learn to to write out paragraphs and apply them to later skills.
This skill will be useful in the future because we will be able to write out good outlines, thus creating better paragraphs. We can use this skill in essays and other writing assignments.

Paragraph Outlines and Unscrambling Due Next Week
Paragraph Booklet due in 2 weeks
Innovation Fair Proposal Due Tuesday
Dialectical Journals Due Monday

Report Cards on Tuesday

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Learning Blogs Period 4 Double Block Dec 3, 2014

              On today's double block, Ms Lees explained to us her expectations for our self evaluation. We then had the rest of the block to work on the two booklets that she gave us, one with a self evaluation, and the other with some text about paragraph writing. The self assessments could help to see where we are at for our teachers, parents, and self. This skill could be relevant in the future because if we know and can analyze our skill, then we can know how to improve on our skill and other areas necessary. The paragraph writing instructions will aide us with writing assignments in high school, and others like discussions and introductions on resumes later in the future. The self assessment is due on Friday, the paragraph booklet will be in due in the next few weeks. There is also the short story analyzation quiz retake art flex on Thurday.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Wednesday Learning blog

Today (December 3, 2014 3rd period), Ms. Lees showed us different thing on blog, she told us how to put pages, links and how to change theme of a blog. Putting pages on our blog are for specific topic like test, homework, etc. Ms. Lees also told us the difference and regular page and a homepage. Putting a link on a blog is another way to go a site. We learn it because we need to get use to the blog like the navigation.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

              Learning bolgs
 Dec. 2

Today in class we worked in our lit circle groups, and talked about our dialectical journal while another group tallied our discussion. Then at the end of class if you had time we talked to our groups about the two stars and goals for next time.
         We talked about our books so that we can work on our verbal communication, listening skills, and so that we can learn to stay on topic as well as contribute our ideas about our sayings/quotes.
         This is important to know out side of humanities because we need to know how to talk and listen in all of our classes as well as we need to know how to ask questions about things in our daily lives. Knowing how to talk can help you will a lot of things in life like for example getting a job you need to know how to talk to people on the phones and even at a drive through.
         Reminder that one person from each blog group has to do a learning blog everyday of the week. (There is no class tomorrow so one person in your group may not be able to do the learning log). Your discussion reports are due on Thursday, you can go to the library at lunch on Wednesday too if you need to post your learning log. There is flex on Thursday so that you can go take your re tests for the plot diagram test at 11:15. Remember to read your books and have a saying/quote for Monday.
         For todays homework you can look at the sheet that Mrs. Lees gave us showing us what we do for the dialectical journals.

Monday, December 1, 2014

What we did in class today

 Today in class, we handed in our long overdue learning logs, watched videos about doing work for fun and doing things you enjoy, then we discussed how we can remember to do our homework and where we can find sources if we forget or need help with our homework or didn't understand the lesson.
 As we mainly talked about how to improve our homework habits, the purpose was so that everyone that's having trouble always has a source of help. This will help people get there work done most importantly but have a better understanding of what needs to be done. Hopefully making the persons work stronger.
 The 'study buddy' method is handy for all other subjects. You need to be able to find one other person in your class that you're comfortable asking questions to. It's always handy if you can't understand your teachers way of explaining things.
 Dialtectical Journals have to be finished. They were initially finished today but if you didn't finish it or forgot, you got lucky. Also, this. If you're assigned today to write, get it done.
 For the blog assignment, you're pretty much just summing up everything you did this day. Pretty simple. Dialectical journal it ranges but for my group, you're just finding a quote, comparing it to yourself or the world around you. Then you're writing down the parts of the story you didn't understand.

Friday, November 21, 2014

inspirational quote

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to not stop questioning.” 

I chose this quote because this can rely on my/our daily life and i intend to make lots of mistake. This qoute is saying that we must learn from our mistakes and then prevent it to happen again then hope not to do to same mistake in  future. This quote also tell us that making question will put more caution to our mistake. The part were it says "...The important thing is to not stop questioning." is the part where i like it the most about this quote.

( there are many ways to use this quote)

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Creativity picture post

This quote sumbolizes that creativity isn't a science. It's not a problem being solved or the answer to 2 + 2. It's simply what your mind comes up with. Unordinary things. Creations, ideas, art. It takes it's own path. The product that is make afterwards all comes from that creative part. Varies from writing a story to designing a product. Creativity controls itself.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Environment Club

Environment club

If you care for the environment, then you’ll love to be in the environment club. Every Monday, the club holds a meeting to talk about the future activities of the club that will surely make Earth a greener place. With that, the club is encouraging the members to take care of Mother Nature even more. The first volunteer activity of the club is removing weeds-which I did not attend for personal reasons. But even so, these kinds of activities will give a better understanding on the environment. Not only will the members make a meaningful volunteer experience, they will also gain skills and new friends.

I should mention that there are free snacks! J

Debate Club

As high school starts, there will be lots of new opportunities to socialize and get to meet new interests. For example, at Fraser Heights Secondary, there are fifteen clubs. Personally, I’m only interested in one of them, which is the one that I've already checked out, the debate club.
So far, I've attended two meetings to the debate club, held in room 216. Debate is basically arguing with the other side. For example, if we had a debate topic like “THBT(this house believes that)smoking should be banned from public areas”, there would be two teams, team opposition and team proposition. Basically, team proposition will argue with opposition, and proposition is always the side that believes in the topic, so in this case, proposition will believe that smoking should be banned from public spaces, and opposition will argue against that.
Due to the abundance of club members, our club mentors, Vicky and Kevin, have separated the club into two categories, experienced debaters and beginner debaters. Of course, being in grade eight, my partner and I were split into the beginners club, led by Vicky. So far, the only practice we've had was doing a debate with another team from the beginner’s club. However, we didn't have a judge to determine the winner of the debate.

In the debate club, we will have lots of opportunities to compete in tournaments, such as the UBC tournament, which is imminent, or travel to other cities for competitions.   

Thursday, October 16, 2014


  Well, hello Alien. Aside from the rest of our planet that you can learn about in the video Ms. Lees put up on her blog, I'm here to talk about MUN. Mun (Model United Nations) is a program where a group of high school students represent a coutty and try to solve their world problems at conferences. Let's break it down a bit more, shall we? On Earth, we have schools for the smasler beings. They learn how to read and write and do things they'll have to do after they graduate. Besides the regular learning, you can join extra curricular clubs. There are clubs for all different things you enjoy. Sports clubs, robot clubs, volunteer clubs. You can even start your own club! I chose to visit Mun. Even though I was very interested in the club, I just wanted to run out. The air was muggy and there were too many people surrounding me. That shouldn'g bother you though because everyone would run away from you, being extratarrestrial and all. No offense. Anyways, you sign up and choose whatever part of the club you want to be in and choose a country. You then try and figure out how to solve the problems that are going on in this country. You need to research the topics and give effort. With all this information, you go to conferences in dowtown. You'd go to a hotel with a bunch of kids from other schools and solve the worlds problems, together. Mun is an awesome program to be apart of. You make new friends and learn more and more about our worlds problems. Well our world, mot yours so much.

#3                                                                   Volleyball                                               Hannah Volpe

                    Hey there people of the world. Looking for something to do on 
                   those long fall days? Do you want to try something new? Then come 
                   on down to Fraser Heights Secondary School and tryout for the
                   volleyball team. It's so fun anyone can do it. Even if you don't make 
                   the volleyball team and you just had so much fun there's even
                   free gym at lunch (11:55-12:00) every day, so that you can have fun 
                     every day at lunch with all of your friends. Volleyball is so much 
                   fun that everyone you tell will want to play. So go tell all of your 
                  friends to come and enjoy a fun game of volleyball. Come on 
                   down to Fraser Heights Secondary School and have the time or your 
                  life playing volleyball.

               WARNING:You may experience to much FUN!!! You may also experience 
                    headache, broken bones, cuts,bruises, sore arms, shoulders, and fingers.

                    (Come on 
                   down to Fraser Heights Secondary School and have the time or your 
                  life playing volleyball. Is to the music of mattress land.)

The SPARK Club

The SPARK Club

SPARK is the acronym for Spreading Positivity through Acts of Random Kindness. The club is dedicated to doing acts of kindness for everyone in the community. Held on Fridays at Room 111 at lunch, it is a great way to help others. SPARK was created to ensure positivity throughout the school and to encourage kindness. To join, you simply have to go into Room 111 at lunch on Fridays and ask. 

Some pros of the club are that you can make new friends, make others happy, and enjoy helping others. The cons of the club are that you may be required to do some activities on your own time rather than at lunch.  

Some skills you may require to join SPARK are to be kind and to love helping others. Another skill that you might need is speaking up and contributing your ideas. Commitment is also important to the club, because SPARK is based mostly on commitment and dedication. Some skills, connections and interests you will build upon are connecting to the community, helping others and knowing how to help them, and the interest to spread happiness and kindness throughout the city. 

Some concerns I have about joining SPARK are about using some of my own time to contribute towards any activities we have to do, because I may not be able to attend any after-school activities. I also have some questions about SPARK. When was SPARK created, and who created it? Has SPARK contributed to the community (e.g. picking up trash, raking leaves, etc)? Has SPARK created any school events? 

I hope that SPARK will plan some new events soon!